Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Princess Update

Let's see, on Wednesday she had her exams and then my car blew up. Wednesday night she also started her prophylaxis antibiotics. On Thursday Rich came to our house and we had a lot of fun. I also got my new car (*there will be another post on this later*) On Thursday evening Quinn had a rash covering her body from head to toe. I called her Urologist at Hopkins and they told us to stop her meds and to watch the rash. On Friday evening her rash was pretty much completely gone. Dan and I had a snowboarding vacation scheduled for Saturday to Sunday at a mountain about 40 minutes from our house. We weren't going to go but we were convinced by numerous family members that Quinn would be ok and that we needed a break. I knew that we did need a break and since it was only about 40 minutes away and my Mom was there to watch her... we decided to go. Quinn's rash wasn't serious hives or anything and she didn't have a temperature or swollen face or anything, just a lot of little bumps.
So Saturday we had fun on the mountain. I had a much needed snowboarding lesson and Dan got to hit some powder. We ate an early dinner around 5:00pm and quickly fell asleep out of pure exhaustion. Well, around 11:30pm my Mom called us. Quinn was throwing up and crying. We backed our bags and headed home. I called her doctor and she said that it couldn't be from the antibiotics because it had been more than 24 hours since she last took them. It most likely a virus. When we got home Dan had clean up duty, Mom had to clean herself up and I took over comforting and holding Quinn. She was so scared. Well I pretty much stayed up all night with her. Then the next day, she was fine. However... I caught it and now Dan has it. Quinn's Pediatrician and Urologist both think that the bumps were a symptom of her virus and not an allergic reaction to her medication. Which is good. However this morning she woke up with the same symptoms as she had before with her UTI and well, we went in to the doctors and she has one again. My Poor Princess cries when she has to go potty. Her doctors think that she is predisposed to have them because she holds her bladder so long. (mind you that on Wednesday when she had her exams and was cathed... they took a sample and she was clean)

The problem now is that she is getting infected urine into her kidney which is causing a lot more damage than just plain urine. Her one side is pretty serious and that makes me (and her doctors) nervous. So we still need to get the next exam done (dimercaptosuccinic (DMSA) scan) which is where they use a gamma ray to tell how much damage has already occurred. The problem with this is that she needs to be completely sedated and she can't be because of her laryngomalacia. So we are waiting to get another appointment with her Otolaryngologist so we can see what approach we can take in order to get this exam done. She is scheduled for Feb. 3rd with him right now and her Urologist is calling him everyday to see if he had a cancellation.

We now have to wait for this UTI to go away and then hopefully we can get into see Dr. Tunkel and then get her DMSA done asap. I was talking to her Urologist on the phone today after Quinn's doctor appointment and she mentioned that if she keeps on getting UTIs and if we can't find a proper prophylaxis antibiotic, that surgery might be the best bet. Quinn is now on a pretty much liquid diet. She can have one solid meal a day. We are trying to force her to void and therefore flush her system out. We will have to do this for a few weeks.

Please continue to pray for us. I am just waiting for a break for my happy girl.

(*I tried to add a picture to this but couldn't for some reason)


emlizalmo said...

Seriously...a break is exactly what she and both of you need. She is a special baby, I know that much. She is happy, well-adjusted, adorable. Love her.

laurag said...

Michele, A break was EXACTLY what you guys needed and I am so glad you went, even if you ended up coming home earlier than expected. Hearing you talk about all of this stuff, rash ,etc. makes it soud as though you're describing my life recently too. Pretty sad. I'm so sorry you guys all now have this virus and that poor Quinn is having all of these problems with her reflux. I know holding her pee isn't the best, but what on earth can you do about it? How are you an Dan feeling now? Is Quinn back on the antibiotics?

laurag said...

Michele, A break was EXACTLY what you guys needed and I am so glad you went, even if you ended up coming home earlier than expected. Hearing you talk about all of this stuff, rash ,etc. makes it soud as though you're describing my life recently too. Pretty sad. I'm so sorry you guys all now have this virus and that poor Quinn is having all of these problems with her reflux. I know holding her pee isn't the best, but what on earth can you do about it? How are you an Dan feeling now? Is Quinn back on the antibiotics?

mj said...

Poor sweet Quinny and poor sweet Mom and Dad. So sorry things are so yucky now. I dodn't think there is anything worse than a throwing up child and you being sick at the same time. I'm glad you at least got a very"mini" vacation. You both deserve it. The new faucets are wonderful. Thank you soooo much!

Lady said...

Oh Michele - I am so sorry about poor Quinny. I really hope that the medicine starts working and that you and Dan feel better!!!