So today Quinn was assessed by her new therapist. She is a speech pathologist and Dr in cognitive development. Quinn scored above her age in the area of social interaction. She was assessed with an age of 24 months! goooo Quinny! (note: Quinn is actually 17 months and 2 weeks)
On the other hand, Quinn was assessed with the cognitive development of a 13 month old. Ok, so this could make me really sad and worried but the Therapist said that Quinn has had one trial after another and that they can really impact a child's development. Also, she was concerned with Quinn's hydrocephalus and the effects of it on her. Plus, I already knew that she wasn't as developed as other kids her age. She doesn't understand associations or even like to "pretend play" yet. I think that this will all happen in due time.
Quinn was assessed at 15 months for her speech. (which is about right if you consider her "corrected" age for prematurity) She sure does talk a lot but not many real words. She says "Dada, NO!, uh oh, oh boy, dog, hi and yeah!" It is really cute. She thinks that any animal is a dog. she says "doh" and points to anything fuzzy in her books.
We are starting to teach Quinn sign language so that she can communicate. She has picked up a strange way of communicating with me. When she is thirsty she doesn't say "baba" or 'sip" like I try to get her to. Instead, she clucks to us. Unfortunately, I know what this means and respond which only reinforces the clucking. I do try and tell her what I am giving her but it hasn't worked as of yet. The Therapist thinks that she is at the 15 month level because of all of her ear infections. When her ears are filled with fluid, words don't sound the same and therefore, it makes it all the more difficult for her to associate them with actions or things. We are also going to take a picture of her sippy cup and print it out. We are supposed to show her this when she clucks and sign drink along with saying "sip" or "sippy". Wish us LUCK!! :)
I am really excited to work with this therapist and help my wonderful daughter grow and develop.
You know what sounds like she's doing great, all things considered. Molly WOULD NOT talk until 21-22 months. Once she started, she did great, but it sure did take her awhile. It sounds like the therapist is super thorough, which is really good. LOVE you guys!
Hey Belle,
Don't forget that Quinn's Grandmother did not speak many words. I was a late taker and when I started taking it was in sentences instead of single words. I have certainly mastered the art of communication. I agree with you that Quinn is perfect and she is developing as she is supposed to. I'm glad that she has caught up with the physical stuff; now is the time for cognitive growth. Yipee for Quinn - a social butterfly like both her Mom and Dad! I love the little Ondra family and am so proud of all that the 3 of you do!
hey, things are looking good... I am impressed with her social interaction score and the speech and cognitive scores are going to be right on track in no time now because you guys are such good parents and have been able to get Quinny all the help she needs from such an early age. I really think that she is so blessed to have parents who are aware and do all they can to encourage and aid... this early intervention will make it so that she's not missing a beat :o) She's adorable and I loved hearing her talk... it was soooo cute.
This therapist sounds great. A lot of the things she was saying really seemed to make sense like Quinn having all of those ear infections. I am sure that is true the words would sound different. I am glad she is doing well. I think she will come right along. She has done nothing but proved herself to everyone else she can do it her whole little life and I don't see her stopping now. Good luck with all the therapy and hope it goes well.
I ditto everyone's comments and would like to add that you have got the best attitude in the world michele. Seeing you with Quinn has actually taught me a few things about how I'd like to be a mother myself. I'm glad the first visit with the new therapist is now a thing of the past. It sounds like they're really good at what they do. I agree too the Quinn has been a fighter from the beginning and I knwo she's going to continue, it's just who she is now. Elsie was assessed at 18 mths for speech and was ahead socially too and then behind in some areas, but you know what, she started talking soon enough, maybe not for me, but she did it when she was good and ready. Chances are Quinn knows even more words than she's even saying, I think that's how it was a little with elsie. All in all things with her apt. sound great.
It sounds to me like overall she is doing WONDERFUL! Unbelievable social skills! - She must be the hit of every party =)
At 14 mo (13 mo corrected age), Alissa has only said one word...and not consistently either. I hear some kids don't talk until they're 2! So stay positive like you are...Quinn has faced some GREAT challenges...but she's doing fabulous!!!!
Those bunny ears are ADORABLE by the way! HAPPY EASTER!!!
p.s. NO ONE click on the kazilar comment. Big mistake. It automatically downloads hundreds of porn sites to your computer, luckily my computer was able to stop and erase them right away. Hopefully it isn't a virus too...aghhh. Michele, do you have a way of erasing someone else's comment?? What a loser.
Laura, I just deleted it. Sorry about that, hope that your computer is ok. I am going to have to see how I can prevent that from happening again.
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