We all went to see Dr. Tunkel yesterday (Q's Otolaryngologist). He had great news! Quinn has mostly outgrown her laryngomalacia!!
Awesome. He also said that we can get the DMSA done... with Quinn sedated.
Great! We will just need to have a pediatric anesthesiologist there the whole time.
No big deal. He did mention that Quinn's adenoids and tonsils looked enlarged. He wants us to get a sleep study done.
yes, that test that I have been dreading and trying to put off. If she has sleep apnea, then she needs to get her adnoids and tonsils out. If not, then he said we could put off the surgery! I am thrilled that we now have another thing crossed off Quinn's checklist. Her Urologist is now setting up the DMSA with the pediatric anesthesiologist and radiologist. I am now trying to set up her sleep study. Dr Tunkel mentioned that if she does end up needing surgery on her kidneys and tonsils/adenoids, that we should do it all at once. No need to make her suffer twice. So now I am feeling great. Things are getting done. We are moving towards being normal again.
Tomorrow Q's Urologist is coming out to the house again and collecting urine and bringing us our first dose of the study medicine. While I am still nervous if we are doing the right thing for Quinn by having her in the study... I can't think about that right now. We have been praying. We will continue to be.