This was Quinn's 2nd Christmas and boy oh boy she loved it. Last Christmas she was pretty out of it and had no idea what was going on, but this Christmas she had so much fun. We watched Christmas movies and opened gifts. My Mom came up to visit so Quinn had a living play toy for the week too :) Quinn opened her gifts and got all toys... all toys that light up and make lots of noise... yippy for her but not so great for me. She likes to sit with all of her toys in a circle and play them all at the same time. Then she dances to the lovely collection of sound and claps a few times. Very cute (the first few times anyway) :) She is now SO VERY active. She loves to crawl everywhere and pull herself up to stand. She is also cruising on the couches which is so great. For PT we now have to work on squating. ok, do you know how hard it is to make a little kid squat??? yeah, not so easy but we are working on it. Squating will help Quinn build muscle so that she will be strong enough to walk. She has low muscle tone and well, likes to be balled up or cuddling with people but not exercising. Her therapist is VERY PLEASED with how Quinn is developing and well, I couldn't be happier.
Anyway, back to Christmas...
Dan, Quinn, my Mom and myself went to Dover and ate dinner with my Grandpa, Tracy, Lisa, Rachel, Rich and a bunch of other family. Sally has accepted Dan into the family too. She smacked him a few times and while he was a little scared, that just means that she likes you. (For those that don't know, Sally is my Aunt that is mentally handicapped and deaf.) Sally also remembered Quinn and her name. She signed it Q-u-n-n but that is close enough!!! Then we went over to visit with Dad and Annette for a little bit. It was a lot of fun but a rather short visit. We are going back to their house this weekend to do the "real Christmas". It is hard to be with everyone that you love on such a special day. Oh, and Quinn LOVES all of the toys that her Uncle Rich got her. He is the connoisseur of toddler toys. HA
She LOVES this phone!
Anyway, I will post more pictures after this weekend with Dad and Annette!